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Construction of the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) presents an extreme risk to water and other environmental resources. We cannot solely rely on government agencies to reliably monitor, prevent, or even document the damage.

The Allegheny-Blue Ridge Alliance and its member organizations have therefore developed the Pipeline Compliance Surveillance Initiative (CSI) to support citizen efforts to ensure strict application of environmental laws and regulations

in the event the pipeline goes forward.


The need for citizen oversight of pipeline construction has been made clear by observations of recent pipeline projects and inadequate regulatory agency response to repeated violations and water resource harm. Adding to our concerns,

the regulatory agencies have failed to require submission of complete environmental plans prior to project approval.

This deferral of critical review and analysis, along with political pressure to expedite the project, sets the stage for significant and long-term degradation of high-quality streams and groundwater supplies.


The ACP still faces substantial regulatory and legal challenges. The proposed pipeline project is not a done deal, nor

will it be if the system works as it should. In any case, construction will not proceed on the “business as usual” basis described to industry officials and investors by Dominion Energy executives. The Pipeline CSI will ensure a dramatically new level of public scrutiny and oversight.


If you want to get involved in this type of monitoring on the Mountain Valley Pipeline, please get in touch with our sister program, Mountain Valley Watch. Click here to visit their website.

Our Mission >

If the ACP project is allowed to proceed, the ABRA Pipeline CSI program will work to limit the inevitable environmental damage through a program designed to investigate and follow-up on reported incidents of both downstream surface water impact and noncompliance with construction requirements in areas of direct disturbance, including the pipeline corridor, access roads, and stream crossings.



  • Email photos and a typed description of your observations.

ONLINE FORM: Click here

HOTLINE: 877-462-2272 (877-GO2-ABRA)

  • Leave us a message describing your observation, its location, and your name and number.

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Monterey, VA 24465

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