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Pipeline CSI Mapping Systm


The CSI Mapping System is an online interactive map designed to provide high-quality geographic data regarding the

Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP).


The purpose of the CSI Mapping System is to support public oversight of any ACP construction.


Below is a windowed version of the Mapping System. Note: the map embedded below may not fit well in all screen sizes.

To access it in a separate full-screen window, click HERE.



Learn how close the proposed ACP route is to your home, water source, creek, or favorite viewshed. View the geologic and downstream risks associated with this route. Let this mapping system guide your geographically-based organizing and environmental monitoring efforts. We are always improving and adding to our data, so stay tuned to our Pipeline Air Force Flights tab, especially, to stay up to date on the so-called “progress” of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.

Our Mission >

If the ACP project is allowed to proceed, the ABRA Pipeline CSI program will work to limit the inevitable environmental damage through a program designed to investigate and follow-up on reported incidents of both downstream surface water impact and noncompliance with construction requirements in areas of direct disturbance, including the pipeline corridor, access roads, and stream crossings.



  • Email photos and a typed description of your observations.

ONLINE FORM: Click here

HOTLINE: 877-462-2272 (877-GO2-ABRA)

  • Leave us a message describing your observation, its location, and your name and number.

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P.O. Box 96
Monterey, VA 24465

T: 703-298-8107


© 2019 by ebb+flow design

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