The Allegheny-Blue Ridge Alliance is pleased to announce the creation of two new online mapping systems, built in solidarity with allies fighting the Atlantic Coast Pipeline in regions beyond our mountains. We in ABRA saw this long hiatus of construction as a good opportunity to assist other communities and environmental groups that share our struggle against the ACP.
Across state lines, ABRA’s Pipeline CSI program has built the new and improved North Carolina Pipeline Watch Mapping System for our southern counterpart, the North Carolina Pipeline Watch. With updated stream crossings and new land ownership data, the NCPW Mapping System makes it easier for riverkeepers and other volunteers to find monitoring locations and submit observations though NCPW’s existing reporting structure. For more information on how to get involved in ACP monitoring efforts in North Carolina, visit their website at
To aid the organizing efforts of communities in eastern VA, we have created the Hampton Roads Anti-Pipeline Education Map. As of late last year three large natural gas transmission projects, the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, the Header Improvement Project (VA Natural Gas Co), and the Southside Connector Pipeline (VA Natural Gas Co), have sought permitting approval to begin construction in southeastern Virginia and beyond.

This online GIS allows concerned community members, organizers, and activists to get familiar with the routes and potential impacts of these three related proposed projects. Zoom in to where you or your neighbors are affected by one of these pipeline projects, or click around the area of Chesapeake City where all three projects converge. Please visit the websites of Mothers Out Front Hampton Roads, Sierra Club Virginia Chapter, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, among others, for more information about the fight against pipelines nearer to Virginia’s coasts.
Check them out at our new Solidarity Maps page under our Maps, Apps, & GIS tab on the Pipeline CSI website by visiting
tab on the Pipeline CSI website