Part of our program goal is to make understanding the pipeline regulatory system easier for the people affected by it. We have spent lots of effort compiling the documents and construction reports vital to understanding the ACP permitting and current construction process. Most of these documents can be found by searching the FERC Docket, but without knowing your way around these different maze-like government agency websites, people get discouraged easily and lose interest due to the hassle and headache. We thought it helpful to put everything in the same place to meet our goal of leveling the playing field by making information accessible to the public.
"As committed to in their applications and in accordance with the Order for the above referenced dockets, Atlantic and DETI agreed to fund an Environmental Compliance Monitoring Program (Program) during construction of the Project."
- from FERC Environmental Compliance Monitoring Program Weekly Summary Report
Every week environmental inspectors for ACP, LLC/Dominion Energy Transmissions Inc and FERC (3rd-party contractors) or inspectors for WV DEP must make a report on the conditions of construction from an environmental compliance standpoint. And every week, we update these DropBox folders with these reports so you don't have to go digging for them.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FERC is responsible for review and approval of interstate natural gas transmission projects.
FERC Docket
The FERC Docket provides online access to project-related documents, submissions, and comments, notices, etc. The docket number for the ACP Project is CP15-554-000 & CP15-554-001.
FERC's Docket Search Page: Access based on docket number and date range.
FERC's General Search Page: Access based on docket number, date range, and text searches.
Comments can be submitted to FERC by going to FERC Online and selecting eComment or eRegister.
The eComment section is limited to text-only submission less than 6,000 characters in length. The eRegister option allows attachments and provides an option to subscribe to receive notices of all docket postings.
FERC Regulatory Documents
FERC Plans and Procedures (General Requirements)
Final Environmental Impact Statement - July 21, 2017
FERC Approval of ACP - October 13, 2017
ACP Project Implementation Plans - October 18, 2017

The Forest Service website includes project information related to the proposed ACP project in the National Forests, including background-related Forest Service laws and guidance, Forest Service filings and review documents, and review process schedule.
Forest Service Record of Decision
Forest Service Special Use Permit
ACP Construction Operations and Maintenance Plan
ACP High-Hazard Area Designs
Forest Service Checklists, Inspection Report Forms
USFS Management Plans
George Washington National Forest Land & Resource Management Plan
Monongahela National Forest Land & Resource Management Plan
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
VADEQ Website Content:
Pipeline Review Information
Pipeline Erosion and Sediment Control and Stormwater Management Plan Review
Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations

ACP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Dominion's 2017 Annual Standards and Specifications
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Sheets
401 Water Quality Certification
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
WVDEP Website Content:
Online Map of Major Pipeline Projects in West Virginia
Major Pipelines Under Construction in West Virginia
Electronic Permit Submission System (The ACP permit number is WVR310820)
Document Database (Access to ACP’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, including revisions)
User Name & Password: DEP
Construction Stormwater General Permits
General Water Pollution Control Permit for Stormwater Associated with Oil and Gas Related Activities
Erosion and Sediment Control Best Management Practice Manual, Revised 201
See also: WVDEP Pipeline Webpage Overview (prepared by W.Va. Rivers Coalition)