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New Webpage: Pipeline Air Force

Updated: Nov 11, 2019


Fellow pipeline fighters and citizen scientists!

Are you a pilot in the Shenandoah Valley or surrounding area?

Do you wish you could do more to stop climate change, deforestation, out of control government, or big corporations running roughshod over rural people? Then we have a job for you!

Join the Pipeline Air Force, a volunteer network of pilots, drone operators, and aerial photo reviewers, and help us collect photo evidence of ACP activity in WV & VA!

Visit the new Pipeline Air Force webpage (more content coming soon) to learn about how other aviation enthusiast are giving back to their community and how you too can make an impact while soaring over our beautiful countryside.

We hope to make announcements of new flight photos available on our mapping system via this blog so that you can stay informed on new information and data coming our of our network if or when the pipeline continues its destruction.

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Our Mission >

If the ACP project is allowed to proceed, the ABRA Pipeline CSI program will work to limit the inevitable environmental damage through a program designed to investigate and follow-up on reported incidents of both downstream surface water impact and noncompliance with construction requirements in areas of direct disturbance, including the pipeline corridor, access roads, and stream crossings.



  • Email photos and a typed description of your observations.

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HOTLINE: 877-462-2272 (877-GO2-ABRA)

  • Leave us a message describing your observation, its location, and your name and number.

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Monterey, VA 24465

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